Behind the scenes with TeeMcBee on Indelible Impressions!
I’m famous! Well – maybe not famous, but I did have the opportunity to be a guest on Indelible Impressions with TeeMcBee a few weeks ago. TeeMcBee (the business persona of Traci McBride) hosts a show geared towards empowering her viewers to increase their awareness around different areas of personal and professional growth.
I’ve often wondered what goes into creating a TV show – and I was lucky enough to have a backstage pass to this one! The crew was accommodating and professional – from explaining which camera to look at when to testing the voice quality on the microphone. I was amazed at how Traci went above and beyond in her role as the host. She had a number of questions prepared, had done extensive research on my background, but even more impressive, she was able to lead the conversation to showcase the best of what I do.
I’m so grateful for Traci McBride for allowing me the opportunity to share my passion of using effective time management strategies with her viewers.
(The information on why people are so overwhelmed starts at the 20 second mark. What category do you fall into? Are you unsure of your values – or are you “situationally overwhelmed”? Or – do you have a 3rd category? Please post below.)
What did I learn through this process?
- Having a professional studio with peeps sure beats trying to shoot videos on my own by holding my iPad in front of me!
- I have no idea how to get the videos from the Indelible Impressions YouTube channel to MY YouTube channel! (Is it even possible? Tech savvy people please help!)
- Stepping outside of my comfort zone may be scary at first – but once out – the rewards are worth it. I’ve been resisting creating videos for years – and actually being on a television show – FORGET IT!
- You can wear flats on TV – note they don’t show the floor . . . so I could have worn comfortable shoes!
- Surround yourself with nice people! Once I arrived at the studio, 99% of my nervousness disappeared. I trusted the crew and the host – and KNEW they would make sure I looked authentic and genuine on TV.
When is the last time you jumped outside your comfort zone? What were the results? I’d love to know . . .
Jumping out of my comfort zone definitely isn’t easy but having and extroverted husband definitely helps! ;-) He encourages me every day to put myself out there whether through public speaking on webinars and conference calls, writing my blog to share ideas and just by being a mom! It’s a challenge but that’s how we grow :-)
Emily –
My husband hasn’t met a stranger – so I completely agree with you! Having an extrovert encourage you certainly helps! Thanks for sharing – it’s nice knowing I’m not alone!
Very impressive! And congratulations on your first TV interview. I must admit my palms began to sweat at the mere thought of it. Will remember the tip about wearing flats should I ever be in that position.
I loved your point about how a real studio beats using your ipad to make your own video. Yep – that had me chuckling away.
Thanks for stopping by! After smashing one iPad and rerecording numerous times because my the video was shaky or at a bad angle – you can’t beat the professionals!