We are continuing our journey to a Stress Free Holiday Season.
If you’ve missed previous posts –
Week #1 – Mentally create the holiday of your dreams.
Week #2 – List all the activities you currently participate in during the holidays.
Week #3 – Categorize these activities – how much do you enjoy doing them?
One of the causes of stress around the holidays is that we really don’t realize all the steps involved in each of the activities we do, so we don’t plan enough time to get everything accomplished without feeling rushed. One way to counteract this is to get clear with everything that is on your plate.
This week – break it down.
- Look at each of the activities you LOVE to do . . .and break them down into the absolute smallest task.
- Then look at your “OK” activities and break them down into the smallest task.
- Finally, look at your “YUCK” activities and break them down into each smallest task.
For example, many people send Christmas cards during the holiday season. If we broke this activity down into its smallest tasks it could look like this –
Communicating – Cards
- Buying/Making Cards
- Booking Photography Appt.
- Coordinating Outfits
- Checking Addresses
- Addressing Cards
- Writing Letter
- Signing Cards
- Buying Stamps
- Stamping Cards
- Mailing Cards
Or possibly you host a holiday part each year. Some of the smaller tasks for this activity could include . . .
Socializing –
- planning menu
- grocery shopping
- baking
- cooking
- deciding on a guest list
- inviting guests
- cleaning before the party
- cleaning after party
Do this for every activity you have on your list. (This may be an excellent time to delete some of the activities in the “YUCK” category!)
Once you have broken each activity down into the smallest possible action steps, determine how long each step will take, assign a start date and a completion date to the task.
Using our Christmas Cards example –
Communicating – Cards
- Booking Photography Appt. 20 minutes October 1 October 1
- Checking Addresses 1 hour December 1 December 10
- Addressing Cards 3 hours December 1 December 12
NOTE: A good rule when estimating time is to use the Rule of 3. If the activity is something you have never done before, multiply your estimated time by 3. If you think you can create your own graphic for your holiday card in an hour, and you’ve never tried to create graphics before, schedule 3 hours.
Similarly, use the Rule of 1.5 for activities you have done before – it’s always good to add a little buffer. For example, if it usually takes 20 minutes to go to the Post Office to pick up stamps, allot 30 minutes for longer lines, traffic, etc.
Success Story: After completing this exercise, one of my clients realized that in order to continue to create handmade gifts for all her friends and relatives, and not feel stressed about cramming it all in, she should start in mid-August. She really loves being crafty and creative, however, as she tries each year to finish the last 20 gifts a few weeks before Christmas, she started to resent the process. By starting earlier she can enjoy creating a one-of-a-kind gift.
In fact, this was one of her activities in the “YUCK” section – that upon further examination she realized she loved the activity, she just hated the stress of rushing to complete them!
IMPORTANT: The purpose of this exercise is to create clarity around all the activities you do – so you can plan effectively. The purpose is not to stress you out even more!!!! Depending on when you are reading this post, you may already feel “behind”. This is ok – keep this list handy continue to add to it over the next few weeks – and use it to create a more stress-free holiday for next year.
How many tasks are on your list? Have you decided to delete any activities? Have you identified an area where you tend to “fall behind” that by starting sooner you can reduce some stress? Have you determined that you really in good shape and your holiday season will be stress free?
Please, share your “ah-ha” moments with us!
I like the idea of breaking everything down. I can see my stress being reduced every time I mark something off. :)
Betsy –
YEAH!!! Success!!! Thanks for stopping by!
What a fantastic idea! I tell my clients all the time about breaking down their big picture goals into bite sized chunks, but I never thought about using the same approach when it comes to planning holiday activities.
Thanks! :)
Benecia –
Thanks for your comment! The “break it down” process can work any time we are faced with an overwhelming task . . . holidays, creating a new presentation, losing weight . . . Love that you use the process in creating action when setting goals.
[…] Stress Free Holiday – Step 4 Break It Down 8:59 AM […]
[…] step #4 you broke each activity that you participate in during the holidays into the smallest possible […]