Congrats! You’ve been working hard to implement steps 1 – 8 in our “Create a Stress Free Holiday Season”. But, if you are anything like many of my clients, you have your holiday papers & ideas in various places.
- You might have some ideas written on post-it notes stuck in your calendar.
- Possibly a few coupons on the refrigerator, other coupons in your purse, still others on your desk.
- Some recipes near the oven, others in your grandmother’s recipe book, still other saved on Evernote & Pinterest.
- Your holiday calendar is on your desk, the holiday task list on the fridge.
- Gift ideas are stashed in the car.
- Your address list for Christmas Cards is sitting near the TV – so you can address cards while watching your favorite shows.
I’m encouraging you today to create a Holiday Notebook. Gather all the bits and pieces from your holiday planning and put everything in one place. This way – you only have one place to look – plus, next year your stress free strategies will be easier to implement because they are all in one place.
Note – Your “holiday notebook” does not need to be an actual notebook. Some of my clients use a box, others a folder, others a big manila envelope for receipts and keep their lists on Google Drive, still others utilize Evernote. Pick what feels most comfortable to you.
Just pick something!
Wondering about the gems waiting for you in Steps #1 – #8? Click HERE!
What do you keep in your holiday notebook? Please post below!
This is great, Lisa! I have a holiday notebook already – there’s no way I could keep it all straight, and that notebook is my lifesaver!
What are some of the items in your notebook, Kristen?
I like this tip. Thanks for sharing it. :)
Great! What items would you put in your notebook? Thanks for stopping by!