How many times have you heard a time management expert explain that effective delegating is the surest way to success?

It makes sense – each time you can take a task off your plate you’ve just “created time” to work towards your priorities and goals. If you delegated one 30-minute task each day, you could create 3 ½ hours at the end of a week, 14 hours by the end of a month.

Delegating is great in theory.  However, it can be a tough strategy to implement. The number one deterrent I hear from my clients when it comes to delegating is, “I have no one to delegate to.” 

Today, I’m going to bust this myth!

You can delegate to  . . .

  • Family  (Your mom can update your mileage; your daughter can take over your social media.)
  • Virtual Assistant (My favorite resource is Elite Virtual Assistants)
  • Friends  (Do you have a friend that is looking for some part-time freelance work? Maybe she loves to proofread and could look over your next blog post, eblast or press release.)
  • Colleagues (Divvy up the workload – why duplicate efforts?)
  • High School Kids  (Many want some want practical experience before going to college – and who is more tech-savvy than a teenager? Or maybe deliveries, packing products, landscaping, etc.)
  • College Kids (They have awesome tech skills and often are looking for practical experience)
  • Interns (Many times will work for free just to learn from a professional in their field.  Check with your local college. One of my clients has his intern creating processes for everything in his office.) 
  • Retirees  (An often underutilized source of knowledge and resource for delegation)
  • Office support (Are you using your current support staff the most efficiently?) 
  • Specialists (web designers, bookkeepers, accountants, landscapers, cleaning service, chef, party planner, etc.)

Plus, here are some additional online resources . . .

  •  (hire freelancers online)
  • ($5 jobs)
  • (create a contest for your design work – pay the winner – great for logo/biz card/apps/book cover/postcards)
  • (A resource for finding an intern)
  • (Virtual Assistant)
  • (Use for 15 min tasks)

Hopefully – this list gets you started thinking about resources you can delegate to.  I urge you to jot some ideas down now  . . . while you are in a “find the solutions” frame of mind.

I invite you to post your favorite delegating sources in the comment section below.