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Use Batching to Save Time

2023-03-20T10:29:02-04:00By |Checklists & Systems|

How do you handle all the jobs that need to get done in your business? Multi-tasking sounds appealing; get several things done at once and save time. But in reality, actually a distraction and a time waster.   You heard that correctly. You’re losing time, not gaining it when you multitask. Many studies have explored the link between multitasking and losing time. According to the [...]

Coming Soon: Propel Your Productivity 5-Day Delegating Workshop

2023-02-23T13:54:48-05:00By |Events, News, Productivity|

There are only 168 hours in the week - the way to grow your business and still have time for YOU - is to delegate some of the work. However, delegating can be challenging! How do you know what tasks to delegate - and which to do? Why does it take so darn long to delegate? Every time you delegate, you answer questions all [...]

Propel Your Productivity Workshop – Thank you for registering

2023-03-06T13:23:38-05:00By |

Good News, {Name (First):1.3}, You Are In! Congrats on joining the Propel Your Productivity: 5 Day Delegating Workshop. Get ready to delegate like a pro! Next Steps: Block the time in your calendar. We will meet from 12 - 12:45 pm Eastern on March 27 - 31. Track your tasks for the next [...]

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Overwhelmed? How to Make Room to Breathe

2022-09-21T11:44:06-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing|

If you're feeling overwhelmed, I want you to imagine a scenario with me: Imagine you are watching little kids at an Easter egg hunt. They have a basket - and are told the person who has the most eggs in the basket wins. The kids run around quickly, picking up eggs and putting them in the basket. At the end of the 10 minutes, [...]

2 Key Steps to Easily Accomplish Your Goals

2022-08-05T19:03:45-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

  FACT: Setting and completing strategic goals helps your business grow.  One of the biggest struggles I see with my clients is the inability to move these goals from concept to implementation consistently. Sometimes they easily complete the goals. Other times, the goal languishes month after month after month. So - what is the difference? According to a recent study from the American Society [...]

Impactive Thinking Club

2023-12-19T18:02:12-05:00By |

Impactive Thinking Club 81% of business owners work nights, and 89% work weekends. (Semrush) You didn’t start your business so you could work nights and weekends! According to Business2Community, the way to be more productive is to spend at least 20% of your week focusing on strategic projects. [...]

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Here’s How to Work Less This Summer!

2022-07-06T11:54:11-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Prioritizing|

When I think "summer," I think of three things: Eliminate, Automate and Delegate. Let me explain why... One of the best things I’ve ever done was to create summer hours for my business. And, one of the great pleasures of having a few hours to myself every week is spending time reading books that inspire and motivate me to be a better business owner. [...]

When is it Time To Hire a Productivity Coach?

2022-04-19T12:42:20-04:00By |Uncategorized|

"What you need is a productivity coach!" I said. Last week I was on the phone talking to one of my good friends, Veronica*.  Veronica owns a small marketing agency, and oftentimes has eyes bigger than her calendar when it comes to taking on new projects.   She’s also a self-help book addict! In her limited free time, she always has her nose buried in [...]

Is Pushing Through Tasks Counterproductive?

2022-06-08T15:20:28-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

How much thought do you put into what time of day you schedule appointments and work on tasks? Your energy ebbs and flows throughout the day . . . as does your ability to focus. This concept is known as Biological Prime Time. Frustration and procrastination increase when there is a mismatch between your focus and energy level and the task you are trying [...]

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