Are you READY to Dominate Your Day?
Attend the Masterclass on January 14th at 10 am Eastern and learn 3 Real-Life Time Management Strategies to reduce your workday by an hour. Imagine the difference of an extra hour each day can make in your business!
After your purchase you will be directed to the 3 Real-Life Time Management Strategies to Dominate Your Day Facebook Group.
All announcements and bonuses will be in this Facebook Group. Be sure to request to join and I’ll approve your request within 24 hours!!!
Thank You and I look forward to assisting with the Domination of all your Days!
* This Masterclass WILL be recorded!
I’m a bonus junkie! SO when you join the 3 Real-Life Time Management Strategies to Dominate Your Day Masterclass for 90% off you get FOUR Rockin’ Bonuses!
Bonus #1 – $97 Value
Magic 168 Action Guide
Here’s a secret to success… it won’t matter how hard you work if you don’t have enough time to get everything done. It’s possible for you to make money in your business, spend time with friends, go on WORK-FREE vacations, and give back to your community, without feeling so burnt out all the time. All that’s required is a little awareness around how you want to invest the 168 hours you have each week – and then a plan to make that happen! Ease and flow are possible, but only if you set up your business and life with the Magic 168 in mind. (Value $97)
Bonus #2 – $497 Value
VIP Access in Private Facebook Group
When you receive high-level training, questions come up. You might need extra support as you’re learning and absorbing everything I’m teaching you. So I’ll be hanging out in our Private Facebook Group until January 23rd. You’ll get all your questions answered and know exactly what to do to make your calendar work for you without the exhaustion, frustration, and overwhelm. You’ll have exclusive access to me for 10 full days. (Value $497)
Bonus #3 – $47 Value
Parking Lot Worksheet
Want to know exactly how to give your brain a rest? (You know what I mean – 10,000 open tabs on your browser and 1,597 thoughts all competing in your brain!) You need this template that’s never failed to wrangle all those shiny objects. (Value $47)
Bonus #4 – $147 Value
Project Worksheet Template
Do you get stuck finishing big projects? My clients don’t! I’ll share with you my Project Worksheet template so you can easily start AND finish projects! You won’t have your time wasted and your confidence battered by a number of unfinished projects. (Value $147)