“It’s not about knowing what to do, but about doing what we know.” – Ari Tuckman

Feeling forgetful? Did you know that some people with ADHD can exhibit a weak working memory? But, “struggling to remember” is certainly not isolated to a portion of the ADHD population. This is also a common struggle for young children, older adults, people who are sleep deprived, women who are pregnant, and “busy” adults that are stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. (Really, who couldn’t identify with at least one of these scenarios?)

I just listened to a great presentation from ADHD guru Ari Tuckman, PsyD, sponsored by the Institute of Challenging Disorganization. During this presentation he examined some of the consequences of having a weak working memory and some solutions.

Can you identify with any of these ideas?

  • You are easily distracted by new thoughts, people, objects, noises, and movements.
  • You “used to be able to remember” birthdays and other important events, the facts for a presentation later, and why you left the room in the first place.
  • You search for your keys, your purse, and your coffee cup each morning before leaving the house.
  • You used to love to read, but now you just can’t seem to concentrate long enough to actually remember the information to enjoy the story.
  • One interruption can derail you from finishing a task – regardless how important the task is!
  • You struggle to implement a plan consisting of more than 3 steps (this includes picking up more than 3 items at the grocery store or running more than 3 errands when out.)

According to Tuckman, the following are three of the key strategies to surviving and thriving in a “oops, I forgot” world:

  • being able to reduce distractions
  • reduce the amount of information you keep “in your head”
  • make important tasks stand out more

What do you think?

Can you identify with the “oops, I forgot” feeling?

What strategies do you use when your working memory isn’t working as well as you’d like?

Please share below!

Be sure to check back over the next few weeks as I examine each of these solutions in more detail. Having practical, easy to implement strategies is an important component in creating lasting change!