A lot of my blog posts and eblasts talk about delegating.


Why am I spending so much time sharing information on delegating?

The bottom line – you can only do so much by yourself. At some point, you run out of time!

The way to really grow your business is to stay in your Zone of Genius, doing the work that you excel at, and moving the rest off your to-do list.

After all, when you try to do EVERYTHING, something suffers. Your family, your health, your friendships, your business, your hobbies . . .

But, doing only the work you love and staying in your Zone of Genius can be challenging – there really IS a lot of work to get done!

Effectively delegating is the answer to this challenge.

It is a skill. And as with any skill, with knowledge and practice and you can master it.

Are you ready to master it?

If so, grab this free resource Delegate Like a Pro – The Impactive Way. (Download here!)

Step by step instructions on how to figure out WHAT to delegate, WHO to delegate to, and HOW to delegate.

Plus over 20 delegating options if think you don’t have anyone to delegate to.

Download here!

AND . . . all these questions are answered:

  • “I’ve tried delegating in the past and it didn’t work. By the time I teach someone how to do it, it would have been quicker just to do it myself.”
  • “My business is small – I just don’t have the budget to delegate.”
  • “I built this business. It’s my baby. I can’t have someone coming in and messing it all up. How do I know the person I delegate to is actually going to do it right?”
  • “The more I delegate, the more questions I have to answer. I can’t get my own work done. I got more accomplished when I had fewer employees.”

Did I mention it is free?

Yep – this is your reward for actually reading my posts! 😊

After you go through Delegate Like a Pro – The Impactive Way, please let me know your thoughts. I’m interested. Seriously! Comment below!

Next steps? Find out how to apply these strategies to your own life!

Schedule a complimentary Productivity Breakthrough Session!

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