Welcome to the third post in the “I Forgot” series. I’m thrilled you joined me as I continue to examine strategies to support a weak working memory. No matter what the reason “you forget” – having some go-to strategies is an important step towards living a productive and stress-free life.
If you happened to miss the first two posts – feel free to click on the links and catch up.
Oops – I Forgot: Identifying situations that may cause a weak working memory
Conquering “I Forgot” – Part 1: Reducing distractions as a strategy to improve working memory.
This is a recap of an actual conversation with a client last week:
- Client: I am so overwhelmed. I am leaving for a trip in the morning, and I have all these things I need to do. I’m concerned I may forget something.
- Me: What is a strategy you have used in the past when you’ve been overwhelmed?
- Client: One of the things that has really helped me in the past is to do a brain dump. Just write everything that is in my head on one sheet of paper.
- Me: Great! What is the advantage of writing it all down?
- Client: Once it’s out of my head, I can think about each item separately, determine the deadline, and plan to complete it. When it’s all in my head, it just gets jumbled together. There is something about seeing it all on one list that helps me feel in control. Plus, as I’m writing I find one thought triggers another thought and I remember more and more.
- Me: Ahh, so writing things down helps you remember, letting you feel more in control and less overwhelmed?
- Client: YES!!!
Previously, I shared three strategies (I learned from Ari Tuckman’s teleclass) to help improve a weak working memory
- being able to reduce distractions
- reduce the amount of information you keep “in your head”
- make important tasks stand out more
Today I’m going to delve a little deeper into the technique of reducing the amount of information you keep in your head.
- Write out a reminder. Keep a pad of paper with you to jot down notes. Use the Post-It feature in your smart phone for reminders. Keep a grocery list with you when you go into the store.
- Write out complex problems. If you are planning a project, put the steps on paper. Don’t try to keep track of all the moving pieces.
- Use alarms. Set an alarm to remind yourself when you need to switch activities – leaving for a meeting, starting a blog post, making dinner . . . (Bonus tip: To ensure you switch activities, put the alarm across the room, so you have to get up to turn it off.)
- Use notes for multistep directions. Whether driving to a new location or preparing your taxes – put all the steps on paper.
Which strategies have you found helpful when trying to keep track of multiple moving parts?
When do you find you have a weak(er) working memory – and how do you support yourself?
Please post below, and check back next week as I share some additional specific strategies.
Main image courtesy of digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Your article is very useful and informative.
Thanks, Nayna! I appreciate that you stopped by!
Great ideas! I’m a big fan of Google Keep – it’s free, it syncs with all of my devices, and I don’t have to remember to buy Post-its. And since I’m never without my phone, I always have a place to brain dump or write other reminders. Thanks for the post!
Thanks, Kim, for the resource. I’ll check it out now!
Ever since we’ve put all shopping items on a list for grocery shopping, it’s become so much easier to keep track and not forget things.
I also know that if I break down multiple tasks into more manageable pieces, all written down, I get to accomplish much more rather than worrying in my head how “I must not forget about…”
Grat tips, thanks Lisa!
Thanks Delia for stopping by! The more I write down, the more free my brain feels. I’m a big believer in using our brains to THINK not to REMEMBER!
Thanks for sharing Lisa, I started the habit you suggested: I write all down, and when i am afraid of forgetting something important I write all the little steps I need to make: it works!
Clara –
It does!!! Thanks for your comment!
Great check list to practice a “brain dump.” I write down list of must do divided by priorities keeping it by my calendar. It helps me say no when those urgent things pop out demanding my time. I especially like your advice to write down the steps needed to accomplish the task! Time for me to implement it! Thanks for the practical ideas.
Thanks Delmy for your comment. My favorite part of the brain dump is when I look at the list and realize a couple of items don’t even need to stay on the list!!!!
I use my calendar, and it’s sync with all my other devices, however, I love to write thing down. It make me feel i control of the things I have to do.
Remy –
Thanks for stopping by! I couldn’t agree more with the satisfaction of writing down (and crossing off) tasks! Thanks for stopping by!
I like to write things down in order to ensure that I don\’t forget things. I even have a note pad by the side of my bed.
Carol –
Great idea! I keep a note pad near the shower also. I find I do my best thinking while in the shower – nothing else to distract me!
Fabulous post, Lisa! I am a big believer in getting things out of my head and writing it down. I love Evernote for keeping track of all those loose ends….
I appreciate the comment! I’m also a fan of Evernote for many of my “digital” clients – but I still find I like the paper and pencil option best! It’s all about finding the perfect solution for YOU!