3 Ways to Say No

2023-04-18T17:28:55-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing|

There are many times in life when we need to say no. Maybe it’s an invitation to another networking event or birthday party. It might be a night out with friends or a nomination to become a board member for an organization your heavily support. There are several reasons someone might need to say no to an offer. Though the opportunity might seem honorable [...]

How to Spend Less Time Answering Questions at Work

2023-02-07T16:36:18-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Prioritizing|

How much time per week do you spend answering questions at work? I’ve recently heard from three different clients who were struggling with the same challenge related to delegating - answering too many questions throughout their day (and as a result, having less time to accomplish important tasks). Let me set the stage. All 3 business owners: Love what they do and are worn [...]

Overwhelmed? How to Make Room to Breathe

2022-09-21T11:44:06-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing|

If you're feeling overwhelmed, I want you to imagine a scenario with me: Imagine you are watching little kids at an Easter egg hunt. They have a basket - and are told the person who has the most eggs in the basket wins. The kids run around quickly, picking up eggs and putting them in the basket. At the end of the 10 minutes, [...]

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