Is Delegating to Friends and Family a Good Idea?

2018-02-13T09:33:13-05:00By |Awesome People, Delegation and Elimination|

Laura Licursi If you've been following me for any length of time, you know that one of my favorite ways to increase capacity is to delegate. (Read this post or this one.) You may be considering hiring a friend or family member - is working with that person in your best interest? You want and need great service, but not at the [...]

How To Grow Your Law Practice With A Virtual Assistant

2017-08-28T13:28:10-04:00By |Awesome People, Delegation and Elimination|

There's a common thread among business owners I meet and work with: they feel they must handle everything themselves. An important capacity-building step is to learn how to delegate tasks. And my friend Lisa Licursi of Elite Virtual Assistants has some important guidance on this step for lawyers! Laura understands that small or solo practices want to keep as much of their money as [...]

How to Be a Delegating Machine

2017-07-20T13:26:18-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Typically when I work with business owners on delegating effectively, one of the top problems is getting them to realize it's ok to let go! They believe they are the only ones who can do the job . . . and it's difficult for them to give up control. (Yes - this is even AFTER they realize that they only have 168 hours each week . . [...]

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