Revealed: What Gas Leaks and Time Management Have In Common

2016-12-07T20:01:35-05:00By |Calendars|

Here's a picture of the gas company digging up my yard looking for the second leak.  (They found the first one right away!)  I won't bore you with the details (really, who wants to hear about someone else's crappy home ownership challenges?!)  I'll just give you the facts . . . Everyone is fine The leaks were both found The process took 2 days So, [...]

Celebrating National I Forgot Day!

2016-12-07T20:01:39-05:00By |Calendars|

Yesterday was National "I Forgot Day".  (Yes - yesterday -  I say with a giggle!  )  How many times do you feel like your life is running out-of-control,  important appointments are falling through the cracks? Recently, I had a conversation with a client who is in a leadership position with a direct sales company . . . it went something like this . . . names have been [...]

Christmas in July

2016-12-07T20:01:39-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Did you enjoy the holiday season last year?  Or, did you feel stressed, over-whelmed, out-of-control, and thankful when January finally arrived? Were you wrapping gifts on December 24th (or possibly purchasing gifts on December 24th) or were you sitting back enjoying a quiet moment reflecting about the reason for the season? Many of us get caught up in what we "should" do during the holiday's that we don't enjoy [...]

Celebrate Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day!

2016-12-07T20:01:40-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Monday is Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day!  So - what does this have to do with time management?  Nothing - I just want you to create your own flavor of ice cream.  Just kidding! Today's post is about self-care. The number one way to increase your productivity is to work more - right?  Let's take adding a new team member as our example.  Pretend your close [...]

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