5 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

2023-05-22T18:21:56-04:00By |Productivity, Uncategorized|

It is so easy to get lost in the endless cycle of working longer and longer hours. It’s a slippery slope, but you’re not planning to do it forever, right?! Just until you get “this project done”. 🙂 So many of my clients when we first start working together wear their “I’m so busy” almost like a badge of honor - "I worked 80 [...]

The Importance of Guardrails When Delegating

2022-06-15T15:42:06-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Delegating can be tough! You want your team members to take ownership of the role, yet they can’t read your mind. So, how can you make the process easier? First - think about the task or project. Is it a repeatable, process-driven task or is it more nuanced? Once you figure out an easy way to capture a process, moving those repeatable tasks off [...]

Balance and Boundaries with Ann Blair

2021-11-23T09:30:46-05:00By |Awesome People, Podcast|

Do you ever worry that setting firm boundaries in your business might affect your relationships with clients and coworkers? Award-winning realtor Ann Blair and I discussed her experiences with balancing the two in a recent podcast. (Listen to the podcast here.) As a very busy realtor, Ann manages her time and tasks well but realized that, because she wants to provide superior service to [...]

Is This Really Your Problem?

2019-04-17T16:42:28-04:00By |capacity, Overwhelm|

Here’s an email that Seth Godin sent out at the beginning of the year. I keep it in my inbox and reread it at least once a week. I’m sharing it with you today in the hope that you will find it as helpful as I did. Problems and Boundaries All problems have solutions. That’s what makes them problems. The solution might involve trade-offs [...]

How to Set and Communicate Boundaries

2016-12-07T20:00:14-05:00By |Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Overwhelm|

Boundaries: Lately a big topic here in this blog, because it's an important issue for any entrepreneur.  Amanda recently told us how she succeed in preventing everyone from wanting "a piece of her",  I described how Rosie and Ariel learned to honor their own agendas, and my VA Holly offered some tools to set boundaries in your home-based work. Recently I was offered the [...]

Where Do You Draw the Line?

2016-12-07T20:00:20-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing|

Here's a guest post from my VA, Holly Matson of Lightseeds. This is such an important point for those of us who work from home! If you work from home as I do, how do you keep your life separate from your work? Many of the readers of this blog are in service industries, working to support others in their work, self-esteem, or health, [...]

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