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Save the Date: Unlock Your Zone of Genius!

2024-01-24T16:57:45-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Ever feel overwhelmed, constantly juggling tasks, and struggling to spend time in your zone of genius? You're not alone. Join us on January 25 and revolutionize the way you approach your business and life. "Unlock Your Zone of Genius: Master What to Delegate" Imagine confidently handing off tasks, freeing up your time to focus on what you do best. It's time to delegate more, [...]

Propel Your Productivity: Delegate Like a Pro Accelerator

2024-04-18T19:37:21-04:00By |

Propel Your Productivity: Delegate Like a Pro Accelerator Enroll TODAY Do you ... Take your work home but you’re too tired to take the papers out of your bag? Sneak into the bathroom to answer emails during family time? Have a whole list of business development projects that you fear you’ll never find the time to start? [...]

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DiSCover Your Superpower: Embracing Diversity in Work Styles

2023-10-24T18:33:42-04:00By |DiSC|

Welcome back, busy business owners! You already know that my world revolves around boosting productivity and mastering the art of delegation. But what you might not know is that there's another tool in my toolbox that I absolutely geek out about – DiSC. I stumbled upon a DiSC assessment in 2000 -  and it became my decoder ring, allowing me to “categorize” people into [...]

Unlock Your Zone of Genius: Master What to Delegate

2024-02-22T16:47:21-05:00By |

Unlock Your Zone of Genius Master What to Delegate Have you heard yourself saying ... “I’ll get to that when things slow down.” “I don’t want to drop the ball.” “No one can do it as well as I can.” “I don’t know what to delegate to make my to-do list shorter.” “I don’t have room for anything new!” [...]

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Routine: Eliminating Chaos from your Day

2022-06-15T12:42:13-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm|

Sometimes owning a business can feel chaotic, but with the proper routine, you can sail through stressful times without hitting the panic button!   One way to reduce stress is to create a routine with stable “book-ends” to start and end each day.    This will also help your team members who are overwhelmed by fast-paced projects feel more confident in their abilities, while [...]

A Case Study: Lack of Focus or Lack of Downtime?

2022-06-15T15:45:35-04:00By |Awesome People, Podcast|

I get it...being a business owner means you wear SO many hats. You're ultimately responsible for staff and their tasks, and for client care, and for business development, and for your own tasks...and...and...AND! Even when you are great at time management and delegation, you might still feel challenged by how much you have to get done. If you find yourself procrastinating or feeling stressed [...]


2021-09-13T08:43:54-04:00By |

Corporate Training Today is jam-packed... Tomorrow is also. Plus the day after that…and probably after that! Professional development doesn’t have to be cookie-cutter or boring. Productivity Training Everything DiSC® Training Productivity Training Fun Productivity Training "Fun" and "Training" are two words that are rarely seen next to each other, but fun is a key ingredient to [...]

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Productivity vs Efficiency

2022-08-08T12:21:06-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Productivity|

What's the key difference between productivity and efficiency? "Productivity" - is an enticing buzzword that keeps many small business owners running in circles. (In fact, I called myself a “productivity consultant” for a while!) You know what I mean . . . the next new "shiny object." Always looking for the newest productivity app, productivity book, and anything you can get your hands on [...]

“Delegating Sucks the Energy Right Out of Me!”

2019-08-28T08:02:53-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

A fantastic woman left this message in one of my Facebook groups: "Something occurred to me about my delegation habits... I delegate, but I still OWN the task, like I'm the one checking up, and it takes so much energy. Almost more than just doing the task myself. Anyone else experience this?" First, this is NOT unusual! Especially for high performing individuals. You KNOW in [...]

Busted! The Delegating Myth Revealed

2019-02-14T07:42:09-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Do you know the book Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz? I'm obsessed with it . . . so obsessed that I have sent the book to clients, who have then purchased extra copies and sent them to some of their clients! In fact, I even started the Impact Time Collective Mastermind Program based on the concepts in this book! One of the concepts that Mike stresses in Clockwork is [...]

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