As Soon as This Project Is Finished…

2022-07-13T12:32:14-04:00By |AWE, Productivity|

One of the goals my client shared with me is to not take work home to do in the evenings or on weekends. She often took that time to catch up on a project or two when she should be relaxing! She came to our coaching call last week frustrated. She had spent a couple of hours over the weekend holed up in her [...]

3 Steps to Get More Done

2020-10-19T14:00:01-04:00By |Calendars, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

In June, I finished up my second one-year term as the president of NAWBO Cleveland. In July, I took some time to breathe. In August, I realized I had about 8 hours a week “extra” in my schedule, so I vowed to use each and every one of those hours wisely. See, I know ALL about Parkinson’s Law . . . and realized that [...]

When is “Safe” Bad?

2019-07-03T10:10:17-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

It’s easy to keep doing things the way you’ve always done them. In fact, it is super safe. (Think “wearing a big huge bomb diffusing suit to wave a couple of sparklers around” safe). And . . . it is the one thing that is guaranteed to keep you STUCK in your business! When you keep doing the client work yourself so no one makes [...]

#1 Go-To Resource for Delegating

2019-05-03T09:12:53-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

A lot of my blog posts and eblasts talk about delegating. WHY? Why am I spending so much time sharing information on delegating? The bottom line – you can only do so much by yourself. At some point, you run out of time! The way to really grow your business is to stay in your Zone of Genius, doing the work that you excel [...]

Another Take on the Magic Number 168

2016-12-07T20:00:35-05:00By |Awesome People, Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm, Prioritizing|

Previously I've written about how the number 168 has magical time management powers.   (OK - maybe not magical powers, but using the fact that there are 168 hours in the week, and determining how to allocate them ahead of time, is certainly a powerful time management principle.) [Tweet "Being proactive instead of reactive with your time is powerful."] No Refusal Payday Loans AND [...]

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