My Day Just Went to H*&^ in a Handbasket

2016-12-07T20:00:39-05:00By |Calendars, Checklists & Systems|

Why is it that one day you can accomplish the most important tasks on your list - and on another day you can't even remember what the most important task is? This was the email (from one of my favorite clients) in my Inbox  a few days ago . . . Title:  I just let my morning go to h*&^ in a handbasket. OK... [...]

3 Steps to Being a Proactive Person

2016-12-07T20:00:52-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Would you like to be a bit more proactive each day?  Yesterday I shared a story about "Sally" and her "reactive morning" and promised three simple steps you can implement to become more proactive. [newsletter-sign-up-form] Think ahead. Act ahead.  A proactive person takes time every day to think critically about the activities of that day. They take time every month to think about the [...]

What Everyone Ought to Know About Being Reactive

2016-12-07T20:00:52-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

When I think about being proactive, I think of the quote, “Act or be acted upon.” That phrase illustrates the importance of being proactive. Do you want to control your life, or are you okay with other people calling the shots? Being proactive, means taking a few minutes to think critically about your actions each day, making a plan, a backup plan (just in [...]

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