How Using the 80/20 Rule Will Increase Your Productivity

2016-12-07T20:00:45-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Prioritizing|

Have you heard of the Pareto Principle or 80/20 Rule as a time management strategy?  The 80/20 rule means that 80 percent of the outcome comes from 20 percent of the input. Sounds like a bunch of mathematical jargon, huh?  Wondering WHY I've chosen to blog about the 80 / 20 Rule?  It's in response to Real Life Scenario #9 - “I’ve heard about the [...]

The Solution to Overwhelm – From a Time Strategy Visionary

2016-12-07T20:01:00-05:00By |Overwhelm|

Feeling overwhelmed is common - in fact I've devoted an entire month to this time management challenge on my blog.  Sometimes even I, a time strategy visionary, can feel overwhelmed.  Many time demands, choices, and priorities caused me to shift to scheduling my day based on deadlines - not based on importance.  Rush, rush, rush, rush, rush!  UGGG!  (Wondering what in the world I'm [...]

Does a Time Strategy Visionary Ever Feel Overwhelmed?

2016-12-07T20:01:00-05:00By |Overwhelm|

Keeping with the theme this month of "Overwhelm" I'd like to offer you a "Peek Into My Brain"! One of the top challenges my clients face is feeling overwhelmed by the number of time demands in their life.  When we work together in our one-on-one coaching programs, we really start to focus on prioritizing and scheduling.  What is most important and how do we [...]

Stress Free Holiday Step #5 – Delegate

2016-12-07T20:01:14-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Delegation and Elimination|

Welcome, this week we are continuing our journey to a Stress Free Holiday Season.  By starting early, having a plan, and following a plan, you set yourself up for success. If you’ve missed previous posts - Week #1 – Mentally create the holiday of your dreams. Week #2 – List all the activities you currently participate in during the holidays. Week #3 – Categorize [...]

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