The Password Predicament: A Tale of Delegation Gone Awry

2024-01-26T11:43:39-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Delegation and Elimination|

Today we delve into delegation through a real-life case study. This tale began when one of my clients was going to be unreachable for a few days and needed her assistant to handle last-minute registrations. Typically there are a lot of last-minute questions and they wanted to make sure they had a plan to seamlessly address these if/when the business owner was unavailable. They [...]

The Importance of the 6 Levels of Delegation for Your Business

2021-12-02T10:27:30-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

In my last post, I shared a strategy to reduce the number of questions you receive after you delegate: delegate the OUTCOME instead of the TASK. Often people get caught up in the details of the process so they have tons of little-picture questions. However, when you delegate in the big-picture (giving them control of the process and holding them responsible for the outcome), [...]

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