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5 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

2023-05-22T18:21:56-04:00By |Productivity, Uncategorized|

It is so easy to get lost in the endless cycle of working longer and longer hours. It’s a slippery slope, but you’re not planning to do it forever, right?! Just until you get “this project done”. 🙂 So many of my clients when we first start working together wear their “I’m so busy” almost like a badge of honor - "I worked 80 [...]

Impactive Thinking Club

2023-12-19T18:02:12-05:00By |

Impactive Thinking Club 81% of business owners work nights, and 89% work weekends. (Semrush) You didn’t start your business so you could work nights and weekends! According to Business2Community, the way to be more productive is to spend at least 20% of your week focusing on strategic projects. [...]

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How to Handle 80+ Notifications Each Day?

2022-06-20T13:08:13-04:00By |bottleneck|

When you own a business, it's crucial to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. It can be stressful to wake up at 2 AM wondering if you remembered to answer that text message from one of your team members, or if you circled back to a client regarding Slack notifications. This is the situation Emily (name changed for protection!) found herself in. And, [...]


2023-08-15T14:58:37-04:00By |

Coaching All of my 1:1 programs start with a personalized productivity deep dive to set the foundation to move forward. We’ll start with things like identifying your burnout zone, time-sucking distractions, your biological primetime for logical and creative tasks, a time/space transformation assessment, and a review of your primary communication style. Capacity Builder Program Accelerator Program Delegate Like [...]

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2023-08-17T17:17:05-04:00By |

Work less, achieve more Transform busy-ness into strategic action Schedule a Call Doing what you love and helping people shouldn’t be this hard. It wasn’t that long ago when you dominated the time management game. Work and decision-making came easily and the company grew. Unfortunately, the systems that brought you success are now straining to [...]

How to Identify the REAL Problem – Fix What’s Broken

2020-08-12T11:05:20-04:00By |Distractions and Procrastination|

One of the underlying philosophies I use when I work with leaders and teams is "if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” It is important to dig into whatever the underlying cause is of the challenge and only “fix” that part that isn’t working, rather than trying to fix everything. For example, recently one of the organizations I’ve been working with thought they had a problem [...]

Save Time by Tracking Time

2018-10-18T15:53:58-04:00By |Productivity|

How can you become more productive? One solution is to become more aware of where your time is spent! The websites listed below offer some useful tools to help you understand your time management habits. They'll help you become aware of distractions, know how much time you spend on various tasks, and juggle multiple priorities and projects. Rescuetime helps you understand your daily habits so [...]

A Hidden Factor of Productivity

2018-09-12T09:44:00-04:00By |Distractions and Procrastination|

It's common knowledge that there are many things that affect productivity - level of focus and alertness, distractions, organization... But did you know that the temperature factors into the equation? Chris Bailey, in A Life of Productivity, explains that setting your office temperature to around 72 will help with peak performance. Being physically uncomfortable is just another distraction you do NOT need if you [...]

Is 5:00 in the Morning the Magic Hour?

2017-12-29T14:42:12-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Productivity|

Pick up five books on productivity and I guarantee at least three of them will advocate getting up an hour earlier. It’s quieter then so you’ll have fewer distractions. You can start your day off working on your most important tasks without being interrupted. You can start your day proactively. In fact, I recently presented a workshop on scheduling and setting up a calendar, [...]

When Even a Locked Door is Not Enough

2018-01-08T11:49:46-05:00By |Distractions and Procrastination|

Let me introduce you to Brenda (not her real name). Brenda is one of my favorite clients. She is motivated to improve, aware of what's going on in her life and business, and has a lot going on, which keeps our coaching calls interesting. One day, Brenda came to our call and was frustrated because she just couldn't keep her dedicated "office time" distraction-free. [...]

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