DiSCover Your Superpower: Embracing Diversity in Work Styles

2023-10-24T18:33:42-04:00By |DiSC|

Welcome back, busy business owners! You already know that my world revolves around boosting productivity and mastering the art of delegation. But what you might not know is that there's another tool in my toolbox that I absolutely geek out about – DiSC. I stumbled upon a DiSC assessment in 2000 -  and it became my decoder ring, allowing me to “categorize” people into [...]

A Connection Between Leadership and Productivity

2019-11-25T11:05:45-05:00By |Leadership, Productivity|

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to lead a breakout on 8 Dimensions of Leadership at the Dynamic Women Succeed event. Before my presentation started, one of the participants said, “Aren’t you the time management lady? Did you change your business?” So - good news - she knew the main focus of my business is to help leaders and teams be more [...]

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