Get More Done by Delegating…Like a Pro!

2017-03-28T15:17:29-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

When you have dozens of tasks on a bursting-at-the-seams to do list, you just have to work harder, right? WRONG! This is the time to work SMARTER, not harder, and hand some of those tasks to someone else. After all, there are only 168 hours in your week, and when you try to do EVERYTHING, you'll either forget about or neglect to do something important - for [...]

Are You Ready to Say Farewell? A Free Webinar

2016-12-07T20:00:10-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Products|

Here we are ... three weeks into January. So how are you doing on those firm New Year's resolutions you set? Not to be negative, but did you know that 30% of people give up after 2 weeks, and less than half are still focused and achieving success after 6 months? GRRRR . . . those aren’t great statistics. Guess what - I have [...]

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