As Soon as This Project Is Finished…

2022-07-13T12:32:14-04:00By |AWE, Productivity|

One of the goals my client shared with me is to not take work home to do in the evenings or on weekends. She often took that time to catch up on a project or two when she should be relaxing! She came to our coaching call last week frustrated. She had spent a couple of hours over the weekend holed up in her [...]

Business Transitions: Tag – You’re IT!

2022-07-25T13:03:42-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Leadership|

When you are a one-woman show, you don’t really need to worry about transitions and things falling through the cracks. As long as you have a better-than-average capture system, you can reasonably expect to stay on top of most of the details in your business. But, the thing about one-woman shows ... you are doing it ALL. This means you are limited in the [...]

Overcome Procrastination Using 3D Thinking

2018-09-06T15:56:06-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm|

As I have said many times, my high-achieving clients often struggle with procrastination. I've been expanding my knowledge of this concept lately, and have found so many out-of-the-box ideas to overcome this habit. (Yes, it IS a habit.) Why do some people struggle more than others to start AND complete a task? Enter Neil Fiore, Ph.D, the author of The Now Habit, with the idea of [...]

My Top Advice for Project Success

2018-04-20T18:01:36-04:00By |Uncategorized|

Imagine, you have your project list in front of you. You have chosen three projects to focus on, they all relate to your goals.  And, you’ve added the project to your Rule of Three list each day. Yet, you aren’t making much progress. When it comes time to work on the project, you decide to spend time working on something else. (Or you don’t even consciously decide - you [...]

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