Peak Productivity and Morning Routines

2018-11-19T08:19:20-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Even if you are not a "morning person," creating routines to start your day has been proven to lead to increased focus and productivity. In the article The Morning Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity, author Eric Barker outlines five simple steps to help you begin your work day with a bang. Sample tip:  create "protected time" to work on your most important goals for the [...]

Overcome Procrastination Using 3D Thinking

2018-09-06T15:56:06-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm|

As I have said many times, my high-achieving clients often struggle with procrastination. I've been expanding my knowledge of this concept lately, and have found so many out-of-the-box ideas to overcome this habit. (Yes, it IS a habit.) Why do some people struggle more than others to start AND complete a task? Enter Neil Fiore, Ph.D, the author of The Now Habit, with the idea of [...]

Your Future Self Isn’t That Great

2018-03-05T13:35:04-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Hal Hershfield, a professor at UCLA, conducted a study on brain scans and learned something important: when you think about your present self vs. a stranger, the scans look very different. But when you think about your future self and a stranger, the scans look the same. What does this mean? According to Chris Bailey author of The Productivity Project, this means that the [...]

How to Prevent “Important” from Becoming “Urgent”

2018-10-23T09:28:43-04:00By |Prioritizing|

I recently presented a workshop focused on scheduling and calendar skills for entrepreneurs and business owners, and was starting to work through the blocks of time that should be represented in a calendar on a daily or weekly basis. Planning time Maintenance time Email time Self-care time Client time Prospecting time Project time This discussion led to many of the participants feeling like they [...]

What is YOUR “Big Yes”?

2017-07-06T16:52:30-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Productivity|

Jane has a great day planned. Her morning will be spent on finalizing her big presentation for next week. After processing email, she'll write her next two blog posts, and then run to the grocery to get dinner ready for herself and her husband. Real-life: Jane starts her big presentation, but is interrupted by an urgent text from a client. After spending an hour [...]

Busting the Myth: Delegating Takes Too Long

2017-06-20T10:02:47-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Effectively delegating is a skill. As with any skill, the more you practice the better you become. Often clients share with me their HORROR stories of the times they have tried to delegate and “failed.” One of the common frustrations is that “by the time they explain it, they could have just done it themselves.” Depending on the task being delegated, this may be [...]

A List for Everything – Even Procrastination!

2017-03-10T09:39:46-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Productivity|

I recently shared Tim Pychyl’s 6 characteristics that make it more likely you will procrastinate on a task. One of the ways to lessen the amount of time you spend procrastinating is to flip those 6 traits from the negative to the positive. This strategy will work for MOST tasks, however sometimes, flipping it just isn’t enough. When this happens, try creating a procrastination [...]

High Impact and the Power of Less

2017-03-02T09:45:56-05:00By |Prioritizing, Productivity|

So much to do, not enough time. WOW - how many times have you thought that? The reality is . . . you can have it all, you just can't have it all at the SAME TIME! Each of us is gifted with 168 hours each week - and we have control over how we spend those hours. One of the keys to "spending your [...]

What’s Your Next Goal? Think Big!

2017-05-03T10:48:10-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing|

If you could focus for the next 30 days on ONE goal, what would it be? What do you want to work on over the next 30 days? It’s AWARENESS building time! Allow yourself to think big during this exercise.  No judgment. No censoring.  No decisions. Just brainstorming. [su_youtube url="" width="360" height="280"] Create a list by answering some of these questions . . . [...]

2 Steps for Intentional Planning

2017-02-22T09:38:33-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

When you are able to spend more time in your day being proactive than reactive, you will find that your productivity increases. You’ll be able to truly work less and achieve more. One of the ways to be proactive is to spend time each day, week, month, and year planning. Using the words of Brian Moran, the author of The 12 Week Year, “ [...]

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