The Myth of “Touch it Once” for Managing Paper

2015-12-19T09:48:37-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Tips for Organizing the Mail You have heard the phrase touch it once when time management gurus talk about organizing and handling paper. Do you know what that means? Many people think you must pick up a paper and act on it immediately. But actually, a better procedure is to take the paper, decide what to do with it (SHRED/TOSS, ACT, FILE, or PENDING).  [...]

Your Solution to Paper Piles

2016-12-07T20:01:41-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Products|

Freedom Filer Papers, papers, papers, everywhere!!! I recently read that it takes about 1 hour to sort through 12" of paper. If the task seems overwhelming . . . well, that is because it is!!! When sorting through papers, the first thing I encourage my clients to think about is "what" papers should you keep? After solving this dilemma, the second item becomes "how" [...]

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