Paper vs Digital – A New Perspective

2016-12-07T20:00:41-05:00By |Calendars|

I love when a client asks me - what type of calendar do you think I should use?  It's a super easy question for me to answer  - because really it isn't what I THINK . . . it's what is the best fit for the client. So instead, I ask questions.  Lots and lots of questions.  Building awareness is the first step in [...]

Paper or Plastic? Oops – I Mean Paper or Digital?

2016-12-07T20:01:06-05:00By |Calendars|

As many of the faithful readers of my blog know I'm an advocate of two ideas when it comes to calendars: There is no "one size fits all" solution Use what works for you I use a paper calendar.  Yes - I realize I'm in the minority, but this is what works best for my learning style, my business, and my life.  (If interested [...]

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