The Importance of Guardrails When Delegating

2022-06-15T15:42:06-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Delegating can be tough! You want your team members to take ownership of the role, yet they can’t read your mind. So, how can you make the process easier? First - think about the task or project. Is it a repeatable, process-driven task or is it more nuanced? Once you figure out an easy way to capture a process, moving those repeatable tasks off [...]

A Case Study: Lack of Focus or Lack of Downtime?

2022-06-15T15:45:35-04:00By |Awesome People, Podcast|

I get it...being a business owner means you wear SO many hats. You're ultimately responsible for staff and their tasks, and for client care, and for business development, and for your own tasks...and...and...AND! Even when you are great at time management and delegation, you might still feel challenged by how much you have to get done. If you find yourself procrastinating or feeling stressed [...]

Business Transitions: Tag – You’re IT!

2022-07-25T13:03:42-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Leadership|

When you are a one-woman show, you don’t really need to worry about transitions and things falling through the cracks. As long as you have a better-than-average capture system, you can reasonably expect to stay on top of most of the details in your business. But, the thing about one-woman shows ... you are doing it ALL. This means you are limited in the [...]

How to Find More Time With Strategic Delegation

2020-08-20T11:50:30-04:00By |Awesome People, Delegation and Elimination, Financial Advisors|

The way to really grow your business is to stay in your Zone of Genius, doing the work in which you excel and moving the rest off your to-do list. Let’s face it – you can only do so much by yourself. At some point, you run out of time and mental capacity! After all, when you try to do EVERYTHING, something suffers. Your [...]

Be the Leader Who Gets It Done!

2020-01-24T09:37:17-05:00By |Productivity|

We are more than halfway through January and I’m curious . . . where are you with dedicating time to your Q1 goals? Have you been majoring in the minors (doing all the little check-‘em-off-the-to-do-list tasks) and running out of time to work on your important strategic objectives? I get it - it can be really satisfying to check off 6 tasks in 20 [...]

A Connection Between Leadership and Productivity

2019-11-25T11:05:45-05:00By |Leadership, Productivity|

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to lead a breakout on 8 Dimensions of Leadership at the Dynamic Women Succeed event. Before my presentation started, one of the participants said, “Aren’t you the time management lady? Did you change your business?” So - good news - she knew the main focus of my business is to help leaders and teams be more [...]

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