Do you do ALL your thinking in the shower?

2019-04-03T08:39:45-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

It's common to hear business owners say, “I do my best thinking in the shower.” In fact, one of my clients actually has a waterproof notepad that he uses in the shower to jot down ideas. I know I periodically get some great ideas for posts while in the shower. (Ironically, this is not one of them!) The question is - why?! Why do [...]

AWE Inspired – Ideas

2016-12-07T20:00:28-05:00By |AWE, Checklists & Systems, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post! What ideas do you want to implement? Try following this 3 step approach to create AND experience the life of your dreams! A - Awareness What are your current ideas?  How are you keeping these from dying of neglect?  How would you like to live tomorrow?   What it is possible? W - Work What can you commit [...]

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