Productivity is Killing Your Business!

2019-05-29T09:33:32-04:00By |Productivity|

Productivity is an enticing buzzword that keeps many small business owners running in circles. (In fact, for a while, I called myself a “productivity consultant”!) You know what I mean . . . always looking for the newest productivity app, productivity book, and anything you can get our hands on that might make you feel more effective in your business. Really, anything to help [...]

Is 5:00 in the Morning the Magic Hour?

2017-12-29T14:42:12-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Productivity|

Pick up five books on productivity and I guarantee at least three of them will advocate getting up an hour earlier. It’s quieter then so you’ll have fewer distractions. You can start your day off working on your most important tasks without being interrupted. You can start your day proactively. In fact, I recently presented a workshop on scheduling and setting up a calendar, [...]

It’s All In a Day’s Work

2016-12-07T20:00:30-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

As you know, the SystemSavvy Consulting blog is all about success in all its forms.  My posts and my programs are geared toward the entrepreneur who wants to reach career and personal goals by using the ideal systems, attitudes, and time strategies for their own life. Well, I just ran across a fabulous info-graphic (right) from SalesForce Canada that echoes everything I teach!  It's [...]

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