Spring clean your blog (12-step checklist)

2016-12-07T20:00:57-05:00By |Awesome People|

Faithful readers of my blog know that when it comes to time management, I LOVE to use A.W.E. Whether I am working towards a goal, creating change, or problem solving throughout the day - it's important to create AWARENESS, WORK with laser focus, and EVALUATE the results. I'm thrilled to introduce Delia Rusu from Blog Formatting this week as a guest blogger.  Her tips [...]

What is Your Key to Success?

2016-12-07T20:00:58-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Creating change. How many times do you set a goal?  Decide to change a habit?  Commit to improving your life? What are your keys to success? Clearly defined goal? Creating the smallest possible action step? Scheduling time to create action? Working with an accountability partner? One of my keys to success is to have a strong support network.  Teamwork really makes the dream work! [...]

Why Do I Blog?

2016-12-07T20:01:08-05:00By |Awesome People|

I was invited to share the reasons I blog for the awesome Delia Rusu at BlogFormatting.   Delia helps women bloggers stay in their comfort zones.  She helps you make your blog posts easy to read and more engaging visually! Delia takes your blog from dull to sparkle, so that you can stay in your genius zone, focusing solely on writing your blog. Did I mention she is [...]

From Overwhelm to AWE in 3 Easy Steps

2016-12-07T20:01:13-05:00By |AWE|

The 30 Day A.W.E. Inspired Challenge started today!  Should you be with us? I have had a number of opportunities recently to share my 3 step process to go from Overwhelmed to A.W.E. If you are interested in creating A.W.E. inspired change, and learn more about the 30 Day A.W.E. Inspired Challenge, then I invite you to check out any of the following resources! [...]

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