My “Go-to-Gal” for Delegation

2017-03-27T14:46:39-04:00By |Awesome People, Delegation and Elimination|

Did you ever have someone pop into your life at just the right time?  Holly Matson, creator of Lightseeds by Holly, was just that person for me.  I was getting ready to launch my first virtual program and switch over to a new website.  I could hardly keep up with writing all the copy – and forget about proofing it!  A colleague recommended I hire [...]

What You’ve Got to Know About Stephanie LH Calahan

2016-12-07T20:01:25-05:00By |Awesome People|

About a year ago, I was approached to be a speaker in a telesummit.  Part of my responsibilities as a speaker was to provide a package of products for interested participants to purchase.  Exciting opportunity  – however, I didn’t have any products.  I didn’t want to pass this up, however, I had no idea what to do next!   Luckily for me, a colleague [...]

Excellence in Insurance – A Customer Service Story

2016-12-07T20:01:27-05:00By |Awesome People|

What you think about, you bring about!  I've heard this saying for much of my life, but just recently have I started to really concentrate on positive thinking.  Specifically, I've been doing some internal work around asking for (and expecting to receive) what I want. As I'm working on this inner journey, I had the opportunity to meet Ellen “Sam” Scheer at a networking [...]

How “Berry” Tackled Creating Change by Using Routines

2017-03-13T11:26:27-04:00By |Checklists & Systems|

I'm always curious around what strategies and techniques are my clients finding the most helpful. Which changes are they the most excited about?  How has their quality of life improved?  But I also want to know what isn't working. What stumbling blocks have they run into since we last worked together?  What old habits have they fallen back into?  (Backsliding is common when creating [...]

Fireworks, Afformations, and Customer Service

2016-12-07T20:01:37-05:00By |Awesome People|

Independence Day!  The "pressure" I faced as I sat down to write this post!  "Should" I write a post about the struggle for freedom and independence? (it is a big deal after all)  "Should" I be creative and somehow link the festivities of the 4th of July to time management? (bloggers are "supposed" to be creative after all and it's important that my tribe gets value [...]

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