The Value of Coaching: Carol’s Story

2016-12-07T20:00:50-05:00By |Awesome People, Overwhelm|

Today I want to share with you a slice of Carol's  life, and how partnering with a coach helped decrease her stress and increase her productivity.   Carol is a former client, and  I believe you may be able to relate a bit to her story! Carol decided that she wanted a major change in her life, so she took a leap of faith [...]

SystemSavvy Consulting Helps Another Client Win through Effective Time Management

2016-12-07T20:00:54-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Time is one of those finite resources that we try to capture.  However,  when we really think about it  we realize that time is like the sand slipping through the hour glass. We cannot capture it - we can only make sure we make the most of it.   Whether we use the hours in our day to move our business forward, or create [...]

Why Do People Apologize When I Walk Into the Room?

2016-12-07T20:01:10-05:00By |AWE, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

The AWE Inspired 30 Day Challenge is winding down.  Many participants are posting about the progress they have made towards accomplishing their goals using dedicated, laser focus. [Tweet "From Australia to Canada to England to the US - "AWEsome stuff" is happening. "] However, lately, whenever I walk into a meeting, networking event, or just to meet a friend for lunch I hear, "Oh [...]

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