The Myth of Work-Life Balance

2022-03-23T13:37:28-04:00By |Prioritizing|

Does hearing the term “work life balance” make you feel guilty? Many of my clients immediately share that they don’t ever feel they can actually achieve a “balance.” In fact, because they have conflicting priorities, they feel that no matter what they choose it is the wrong choice . . . when they are with family they feel they should be working, and when [...]

What is Your Most Common Time Frustration?

2016-12-07T20:01:21-05:00By |Overwhelm|

This past week I was asked by a couple of people - how do I know if I need help?  If I'm going through each day crossing items off a list - wouldn't I feel productive?  How do I know if I'm not actually being productive? where brits belonging This is a great question - and it reminds me of the 4 Stages of [...]

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