It’s Time to Unschedule!

2018-07-17T09:48:58-04:00By |Calendars, Productivity|

One of the most common challenges my high-achieving clients have is procrastination. Now, you may think that “high achieving” and “procrastination” shouldn’t be used in the same sentence . . . but it is true! Because of this, I’ve been doing a lot of reading on procrastination. What causes it? What are some strategies to overcome it? What makes it easy for someone to [...]

How to Stop “Doing Things”

2016-12-07T20:00:51-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

A while ago I ran across the quote "We have a strategic plan, it's called doing things" from Herb Kelleher.  This quote generated a blog post about the importance of action.  (Not to minimize the importance of a plan . . . but sometimes you need to "just do it" as Nike would say!) One of the responses I received after this post was, [...]

AWE Inspired – Arrive

2016-12-07T20:00:52-05:00By |AWE|

"If we don't start, it's certain we can't arrive."  Zig Zigler Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post! [newsletter-sign-up-form] Try following this 3 step approach as you create change. A - Awareness What are your current opportunities?  What could you start - that you've been putting off?  What could be possible once you started?   If you could do anything, what would you do? W [...]

Celebrate Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day!

2016-12-07T20:01:40-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Monday is Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day!  So - what does this have to do with time management?  Nothing - I just want you to create your own flavor of ice cream.  Just kidding! Today's post is about self-care. The number one way to increase your productivity is to work more - right?  Let's take adding a new team member as our example.  Pretend your close [...]

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