Techniques and strategies to maximize your time using checklists and systems.

How to Leave the Office an Hour Earlier. . .Without Stressing

2020-08-12T11:01:39-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Financial Advisors|

"What would you need to do to be able to leave the office an hour earlier each day?" That's a question I asked a client last week. Here's his response: CLIENT – "I own my own business; I can leave whenever I want." ME - [PAUSE] CLIENT – "Well, I mean, I just don’t leave early very often, because I want to make sure [...]

The Secret to Creating Order from Chaos

2019-02-06T09:28:55-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Recently a member of a Facebook group for Virtual Assistants (I'm the Time Management expert for the group) asked this question: "Do you find that it's best to have a set schedule for every day of the week, or do your days differ because that is life?" My answer was . . . drum roll please . . . it depends! 😊 Here’s what [...]

Overcome Procrastination Using 3D Thinking

2018-09-06T15:56:06-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm|

As I have said many times, my high-achieving clients often struggle with procrastination. I've been expanding my knowledge of this concept lately, and have found so many out-of-the-box ideas to overcome this habit. (Yes, it IS a habit.) Why do some people struggle more than others to start AND complete a task? Enter Neil Fiore, Ph.D, the author of The Now Habit, with the idea of [...]

Headaches and Time Management

2018-08-23T10:59:35-04:00By |Checklists & Systems|

I’ve had a headache for 3 weeks. I tell you this not so you can feel sorry for me, but to make a point! For 3 weeks I’ve justified my headaches by saying, “It must be my allergies,” or “It’s the change in weather,” or “I must be stressed a bit about this event - it’ll go away as soon as the event is [...]

How to Use Your Time Wisely

2018-03-26T15:14:47-04:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Laura Licursi We all want to use our time wisely to achieve the most we can in a day. The fabulous Laura Licursi, owner of Elite Virtual Assistants says that means not only doing the right things, but doing them at the right time. Although everyone is different, she stresses that there are "best times" to accomplish certain tasks during the day. We need [...]

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